paid Inflation • 3 min read Super Macro. Not So Super Micro. Some of the air is coming out of the AI trade. Super Micro Computer hasn't been super recently.…
paid Consumer Confidence • 3 min read When American Consumers Are Depressed, They Go Shopping Consumer confidence has been relatively depressed for the past couple of years according to the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) and…
paid Stock Market • 3 min read No News Is Good News Dr. Ed was interviewed on Bloomberg Surveillance this morning at 7 a.m (see link below). Ace journalist Lisa Abramowitcz…
paid Consumer • 2 min read Giving Credit To The Consumer The strength of the US consumer has underpinned much of the current bull market in stocks. In recent months, rising…
paid Employment • 2 min read Confidence Survey Shows Jobs Are Still Relatively Plentiful The first available monthly indicator of the labor market is the "jobs plentiful" series in the Consumer Confidence…
paid Inflation • 2 min read Inflation's Puzzle Pieces Painting Bullish Picture The S&P 500 rose to a new record high of 5308.15 following today's economic numbers.…
public Week Ahead • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: May 6 - 10 It's slim pickings this week on the US economic front. The news is mostly about credit conditions. Then…
paid Consumer • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: April 15 - 19 Following Iran's attack on Israel Saturday, geopolitics should dominate this week's market action. The Q1 earnings…
public Consumer • 2 min read Live Long And Prosper! American consumers are doing what they do best: They are consuming goods and services. Their consumption of services has been…
paid Survey • 2 min read Rolling Recoveries In Manufacturing & Retailing The rolling recessions in manufacturing and retailing are turning into rolling recoveries. That's our conclusion based on today&…
public Consumer • 2 min read It Was Cold In January, But Spring Is Coming! Retail sales fell 0.8% m/m in January, much weaker than expected (chart). Leading the way down was a…