May 22, 2024 1 min read

Dr Ed's Video Webcast 5/22/24

Dr Ed's Video Webcast 5/22/24

Boomer-led households’ collective net worth has skyrocketed 19-fold since 1990. As the generation has lived long and prospered, so has the stock market (rising 40-fold over their adulthood) and the US economy (with nominal GDP up eightfold since 1982).

Looking ahead, our Roaring 2020s scenario assumes faster-than-average growth for S&P 500 earnings, GDP, and productivity. Faster productivity growth should depress unit labor costs and inflation in a process that began last year. More of the same, as we forecast, should boost profit margins to new record highs. Also: Just ignore the doomsaying LEI. … And: China’s latest attempt to hoist its economy.

Exclusive Early Access for Paid Members: Below, you'll find Dr. Ed's latest webcast. Paid members can enjoy immediate access to the video. This content will become available to the public at a later date—don't miss out on early insights, consider upgrading today!
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